My Story
My parents were both deaf. They were not well educated. They worked hard at low level manual labor type jobs. They did not have the...
Then and Now 01
My 7 Paradigm Shifts I thought I would start this new segment of my blog that I call “Then and Now” with a flashback on the paradigm...

Lessons Learned 02
This is a follow up to my previous post Lessons Learned 01 I am going to title this lesson: ” You can’t have enough cr@#**^p in your...
Lessons Learned 01
“We don’t know what we don’t know”. A cliche – yes, but true none-the-less. During the late 70’s and early 80’s I owned and operated 4...
Why I Belong to the MPVA
From Allan Block - Chairman 2017 MPVA - Minnesota Professional Videographers Association An open letter to all video and film producers....